PromptPay Alert

"PromptPay Alert'' is a technology for sending and receiving notifications to pay. Biller can use their PromptPay ID to send notification to recipient. Once receives by recipient, a transaction can be made using their PromptPay ID as well. For example, shopping cart application can send notification using their PromptPay ID to the customer's registered PromptPay ID and device with preferred bank application. Payment can then be made by customer right away, or save for later before message becomes expired for postpay payment.

Use Case for Promptpay Alert

High level steps:
Partner has a registered proxy in any of the following type; identification number (citizen ID number for individual customer and tax ID number for Juristic customer) or mobile number. Partner registered for receiving alerts through API interface.

API for PromptPay Alert (sending):
  • PromptPay alert transaction initiation
  • PromptPay alert transaction inquiry
API for PromptPay Alert (receiving):
  • PromptPay alert receiver acknowledge RTP
  • PromptPay alert receiver block incoming alerts from sender
  • PromptPay alert receiver inquire a list of blocked senders
  • PromptPay alert receiver unblock incoming alerts from sender
  • Biller generate request transaction using Open API-PromptPay Alert Transaction Initiation (A)
  • Validation will take place which may include input field and sender information validation
  • Instruction will be processed depends on instruction date and time used in the request, it will either be processed right away or scheduled for later. The possible cases are as follow.
    • If API receives a transaction that has date in the past, transaction will be rejected
    • If API receives a transaction that has current date, transaction will be processed right away, unless instruction time is in the future. For the latter case, please refer to scheduled transaction flow below
    • If API receives a transaction with future date, transaction will be scheduled. Krungsri has a system in place to retrieve scheduled transaction for processing in a fixed interval throughout the day. Once date and time matches the process, scheduled transaction will be sent for processing.
  • Once process is completed, status will be sent to API for updating transaction status. An Inquiry API can be called from this point onwards to fetch transaction status
  • For scheduled instruction, API will triggers process every fixed interval throughout the day.
  • Each instruction that falls within the processing scope of a given interval will be processed one by one
  • Currently API does not callback to inform status to consumer, however, inquiry API or end of day summary file can be used as source of data for matching transaction unique identifier
              Transaction Inquiry
  • An inquiry API can be used to inquire transaction status and related details using PromptPay Alert Transaction Inquiry (B)
  • This applies to both regular transaction and scheduled transaction
  • For scheduled transaction that is not yet processed, API will respond with SCHD status
  • Biller can also register PromptPay ID with Krungsri Open API for receiving request notification for payment
  • A callback will be sent to biller predefined endpoint using the authentication method register with Krungsri through PromptPay Alert Callback (internal BAY service)
  • Biller system can let Krungsri knows of alert status using Open API-PromptPay Alert Receiver Acknowledge RTP(C) Status can be one of the following.
    • Accepts the instruction as notified
    • Refused the instruction as notified
    • Opt out from PromptPay Alert service
  • An inquiry API is also available. It can be used to inquire transaction status and related details using PromptPay Alert Transaction Inquiry (B)
              Block and Unblock
  • For receiver, there may be the case of wanting to block notification from specific sender PromptPay ID. This can be done through Open API-PromptPay Alert Receiver Block Incoming Alerts From Sender (D)
  • Once blocked, request from said sender PromptPay ID will no longer reaches the receiver PromptPay ID specified in request to block
  • In case a list of senders PromptPay ID being blocked by specific receiver PromptPay ID is needed, a list can be retrieved from PromptPay Alert Receiver Inquire A List Of Blocked Senders (E)
  • Blocked sender PromptPay ID can be unblocked using Open API-PromptPay Alert Receiver Unblock Incoming Alerts From Sender(F)

• Related API


Seq No. API Name API Endpoints
APromptPay Alert - Transaction InitiationPOST /rest/api/v1/payments/rtp/transactions
BPromptPay Alert - Receiver Acknowledge RTPPOST /rest/api/v1/payments/rtp/transaction/acknowledgement
CPromptPay Alert - Transaction InquiryPOST /rest/api/v1/payments/rtp/transactionStatus/inquiry
DPromptPay Alert - Receiver Block Incoming Alerts From SenderPOST /rest/api/v1/payments/rtp/proxy/blockByProxy
EPromptPay Alert - Receiver Unblock Incoming Alerts From SenderPOST /rest/api/v1/payments/rtp/proxy/unblockByProxy
FPromptPay Alert - Receiver Inquire A List Of Blocked SendersPOST /rest/api/v1/payments/rtp/proxy/blockedProxy/inquiry