Corporate Pay Bill

API Corporate pay bill is service to pay goods and services for corporate like utility bills, invoice payments, etc. The company sends billing instructions via API for payment quick, easy and safe to the biller.

Use Case for Corporate Pay Bill 

High level steps:
   1) Company generates request transaction using Open API provided.
   2) Instruction will be sent to backend system for initiating a transaction with biller.
   3) Information and response status will be returned to company via API.

  • Payer generates request transaction using Open API.
  • Validation will take place which may include input fields, payer, and biller information validation. If transaction fails at this step, information will not be recorded in the system.
  • Instruction will be sent to backend system for initiating a transaction with biller.
    • If initiation is successful, a paymentReferenceIdentification will be provided as a unique reference for this transaction. An Inquiry API can be called from this point onwards to fetch transaction status.
    • If initiation fails, an error code and description will be returned for reference.
              Barcode/QR Code Reader
  • An QR Parser API to be used to determinded QR type and identify information.
              Barcode/QR Code
  • Payer generates request transaction using Open API (QR Transaction Initiation)
    •  Biller and payment information will be included in the QR string being used
    • Additional information will still be required such as payer account information and associated technical details for calling an API
  •  Validation will take place which may include input fields, payer, and biller information validation. If transaction fails at this step, information will not be recorded in the system.
  • Instruction will be sent to backend system for initiating a transaction with biller
    • If initiation is successful, a paymentReferenceIdentification will be provided as a unique reference for this transaction. An Inquiry API can be called from this point onwards to fetch transaction status
    • If initiation fails, an error code and description will be returned for reference
               Inquiry Status
  • An inquiry API can be used to inquire transaction status
              Resend Post Advice
  • This API can be called after transaction was made, and there is a need to send additional advice to specified recipients.
              Search Biller
  • An inquiry API can be used to request for biller information matching the search criteria.
  • Information will be returned as array, if input validation is successful but there is no information matching the criteria – an empty array will be returned as a response with successful http status.

• Related API


Seq No. API Name API Endpoints

Technical Detail

Sample of request message can be as following
Request parameter

transactionCode Transaction code
transactionDatetime Date and time of the transaction
annotation  Extra information for a financial instruction. It can be a note or comment added to a transaction
payerInformation.accountNumber  Payer account number
billerInformation.billerIdentification Biller ID
billerInformation.companyCode Company code
billerInformation.accountNumber Biller account number
billPaymentInformation.amount Bill payment amount
billPaymentInformation.billReference1 Bill reference 1
billPaymentInformation.billReference2 Bill reference 2
Sample request
  "transactionCode": "PAYBILL",
  "annotation": "Free text",
  "payerInformation": {
    "accountNumber": "1111005999"
    "billerInformation": {
    "billerIdentification": "0115085911101",
    "companyCode": "23455",
    "accountNumber": "1111005999"
   "billPaymentInformation" : {
    "amount": 2000.00,
    "billReference1": "reference 1",
    "billReference2": "reference 2"
