Branch and Exchange Booth Location

In search of nearest Krungsri point of services (i.e. Branch, ATM machine, and Foreign currency exchange booth), you are in luck ! Krungsri API makes that simple by letting you retrieve the information (e.g. opening hours and address) and location pinpoints to geographic coordinates for simpler navigation and ease of integration with navigation applications that your customer have on their device.

In search of nearest Krungsri point of services (i.e. Branch, ATM machine, and Foreign currency exchange booth), you are in luck ! Krungsri API makes that simple by letting you retrieve the information (e.g. opening hours and address) and location pinpoints to geographic coordinates for simpler navigation and ease of integration with navigation applications that your customer have on their device.

• Use Case : Locate Krungsri within a given distance

You can request for location of various Krungsri point of services within a given distance from the point you specified. Simply let us know where your desired location is and distance from that given point; then leave the rest to us in letting you know if there is Krungsri point of services that matches your criteria
  • Customer specify location and criteria in search of Krungsri location
  • Platform request for information from Krungsri through API
    • Using geographical distance from a location
      GET /v1/salesAndService/pointOfService/findByGeoDistance
    • Using an area by providing geographical box
      GET /v1/salesAndService/pointOfService/findByGeoBoundingBox
    • Using location details (e.g. province)
      GET /v1/salesAndService/pointOfService
  • API responses back to platform
  • Display returned information on an interface for customer

• Related API


Seq No. API Name API Endpoints